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Design: A Safe Place To Live

Today we have the Photoshop file for our 'A Safe Place To Live' album for you :3 This will give you a better idea of how this photo came to be. The design was made by the lovely Shari for us ^-^Heute haben wir für...

Live Fotos: Jena

This time we have live photos from Jena for you :3 Taken by the lovely Wendy!https://www.instagram.com/leno.graphy/?utm_source=ig_web_button_share_sheet&igshid=OGQ5ZDc2ODk2ZA==Dieses mal haben wir für euch Live Fotos von Jena :3 Welche die liebe Wendy für uns gemacht hat!https://www.instagram.com/leno.graphy/?utm_source=ig_web_button_share_sheet&igshid=OGQ5ZDc2ODk2ZA==...

STEMS: Fade Away

Enjoy the stems from 'Fade Away' :3Viel Spaß mit den Stems von 'Fade Away' :3...

DESIGN: The Last Light

Here is the .ai file of our 'The Last Light' T-shirt design :3All rights belong to us, so reselling this design is not allowed.Hier ist die .ai unseres 'The Last Light' T-Shirts Designs :3Alle Rechte liegen bei uns, also ein Weiterverkauf dieses Designs ist ausgeschlossen....

Trash: Allererste Demo

Here we’re showing you our very first demo of our song 'La Catrina', which we made ourselves back in 2018 :D Since then, our skills have improved a lot. But I think you’ll find this glimpse quite funny :D So if you're just starting out...

Guitar Pro: The Last Light

Have fun playing along with 'The Last Light' :3Viel Spaß beim nachspielen von 'The Last Light' :3...

Live Fotos: Berlin Badehaus

Today we have a photo series for you from our performance at the Badehaus in Berlin :3Heute haben wir für euch eine Bilderreihe von unserem Auftritt in Berlin im Badehaus :3...

STEMS: Price Of Growth

The day has come for you to get the Price Of Growth stems :3Der Tag ist gekommen an dem ihr die Price Of Growth Stems bekommt :3...

BTS Photos: Jena Eastside

Here's a little photo series of the BTS from our performance in Jena :3 Think of it as a little behind-the-scenes peek at our shows ^-^Hier habt eine kleine Fotoreihe der BTS von unserem Auftritt in Jena :3 seht das immer als kleinen Einblick hinter...