Sink of Swim
Sinkor Swim is a song full of criticism of society. A song in which the individual finds himself lost in a society in which he does not really want to participate. The “sink or swim” ‑mentality of the modern society can result in an almost overwhelming, overstraining everyday life for the individual. The individual is put under pressure from all sides and barely gets the feeling to breathe. From the perspective of this individual, there are only two possible reactions: Either the path of resignation and surrender, which is definitely an option in the lyricist’s world of thoughts and flashes up again and again in the song, or the path of resistance, fighting and uprising, which is finally taken and gives new strength. The path of not letting oneself be overrun by society and losing oneself. The path of resistance against a morality that is not sustainable for the individual and that has not always been so. The path of the pathwalker.